Friday, July 13, 2012

Plugging Away

I've been having a great time in Alaska lately. The tour business hasn't been too good for me lately with two weeks of tours one with 12 people and another with 10. Low numbers = low money made unfortunately. But I have been doing some fun stuff!
I went hiking while on tour in Denali National Park I hiked Mt. Healy at the park entrance ended up being about an 8 mile hike. What a workout!

Today I was able to work a couple hours in the morning then went fishing on the Russian river. It was great to get out and fish. I caught a lot of fish! Lots of trout and dollies.

I was even able to catch a sockeye that I am pretty sure took my prince nymph which is very unusual!

I also had a great bear encounter with a sow and 2 cubs they wanted to cross the river right where I was, I was not happy with that and let them know. Eventually I ended up with my .44 magnum in hand with the sow becoming aggressive. She eventually calmed down and cross downstream of me, crisis avoided.

Like I said, it's been good times in Alaska. I think about going to the village often. Still have not started packing everything but I have been making lists and some plans. I will continue to enjoy my time here while I can! Oh yea I've been seeing moose too!

Thanks for reading!!

posted from Bloggeroid

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