Friday, August 3, 2012

Almost There

It has been a crazy week of events in Alaska. I went on the longest bike ride of my life, 26 miles along the Seward highway!!! It felt awesome to accomplish that feat! I finished work at Holland America Princess Alaska on the 31st of July. I had a great season and was very happy the managers could work around my schedule. I also did a lot of packing!

The first order of business was to ship out my "Alaska Totes" to the village of Kiana. To make these totes I used rubbermaid roughneck totes and some other heavy duty totes. I then filled them as close as I dared to 70lbs with food, appliances and clothes, some were very close in weight(6 of my totes were 68+ lbs with the heaviest being 69lb 12.4oz). Next I zip tied the lids so they will be sure to stay shut during shipping. I had to load and shrink wrap them on a pallet for the USPS. The cost to mail was $250 for parcel post to Kiana.

With that task finished I could go have some fun. The morning of the 3rd I woke up and wanted to exercise. I called a friend that didn't have to work and we climbed Flat Top mountian in Anchorage. It was a beautiful day and a great hike.

I also went to the shooting range with my new .338 win mag trying to sight it in for hunting season. Much to my chagrin one of my scope mounts broke and now that has to be fixed in short order.
It has been a busy week and I feel like there is still a lot to do before I leave, a list must be made and followed! I'm almost ready for my new adventure! As always thanks for reading and the interest in my life!

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