Well as usual it has been longer than i would have wanted between my post. I really appreciate you for taking the time to read this blog post. Time seems to be at a premium currently, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. This year has had an interesting start to it. At school we have 6 new teachers out of 10 total. So there has been a steep learning curve for the new staff members. By now everyone seemsto be getting their feet under them with everyone running in the same direction. All in all the year has started out well for me. As a highlight of , my professional career this fall I was able to speak in front of Senator Mark Beigch and the chairman of the FCC Tom Wheeler. I was able to tell them about all of the technology we use in Kiana and I impressed them with my new 3-D printers.
Although time has seemed to have always slipped away, I have found time to go hunting this fall. This year I was successful in harvesting my first moose! I was hunting with my buddy Glenn, whom I have mentioned in other posts. We started huning the end of August for his bull. He had a federal subsistence tag which allows him to harvest a moose from August until December. I had the general federal tag which allows me to harvest a moose from September 1st-20th. So we started hunting for Glenn's moose first. We found a lot of great spots to hunt that we put in our "play book" and would check routinely for moose. We did a lot of hiking, a lot of boating and a lot of calling. Finally one night we looked in a meadow from our "play book" and there stood his moose. He wanted a younger bull for a more tender meat. It was sharing a meadow with 5 cow moose. Glenn pulled up and put the bull down. After congratulations we started to get to work. It was about 5 minutes after the shot that a HUGE bull walked into the meadow wondering what had happened. I got really excited thinking this could be my bull. He was a bull of a lifetime, with antlers that spread 70+ inches. I decided I was going to try for him. He was about 500 yards away and had 5 cows around him. I stalked in through the willows and brush to about 200 yards but with the fading light I couldn't get a clean shot so I let him walk. It was a great day of hunting!
Fast forward 7 days to September 15th.....the magic day as Glenn calls it. We are heading to the same meadow that Glenn got his bull in because we know that granddaddy is around there somewhere. As we round a corner of the river I see a bull through my binoculars, I can just barely see a part of his antlers for a split second but he right there next to the meadow. So we pull up downstream and anchor the boat and hike in quietly to the meadow, about 200 yards from where I saw the bull. Glenn starts calling like a bull to tempt this guy to fight. We brought a shed antler that I found so he is thrashing brush trying to sound like a big bull moose. After about 5 minutes of call I heard brush being thrashed. Then I heard the sound of willows and other brush scraping antlers! It was a bull coming our way and he was in a fighting mood! He would walk then thrash bushes then walk some more, this went on for about 20 minuets. Finally he came into the meadow swaying his head looking for a fight, what a sight to see!! He wasn't the huge north country monster but he was big enough for me. Once I gained my composer I put him down using my .338 Win Mag. About 5 minutes after my bull was down I head brush thrashing again, it was another moose. I waited a few minuets and out stepped the MONSTER. I couldn't do anything but laugh, I waved to him and promised to see him next year. What a great hunt. It took 2 days to get him out of the woods but I had an army of new teachers and my fiance Sam to help. Many hands made for lighter work, I still had to pack quarters to the boat! He is now sitting in my freezer and will provide many wonderful meals and jerky! That wraps up an extremely successful moose season!
I also found time to go caribou hunting. We went out a couple times for caribou but the herd was late getting to kiana. Instead my buddy Brad and I decided to go find them. We ended up going 75 miles up river to a place called onion portage. We saw a lot of caribou! We had another boat with us and ended up taking 13 between the 2 boats. It was a great time and decided to snow while we spent the night. I didn't get many pictures because it was so cold but it was a great hunt. Like I have done in the past I took a caribou up to school to teach the kids how to butcher an animal. It was very successful and the kids enjoyed it.
Well I guess hunting stories is all I have to tell currently, it seems that and school have taken over my life. Wrestling just started 2 days ago so I'm sure my next post will include more school/life based material instead of just hunting. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the stories of my Greater Northern Adventures.
Although time has seemed to have always slipped away, I have found time to go hunting this fall. This year I was successful in harvesting my first moose! I was hunting with my buddy Glenn, whom I have mentioned in other posts. We started huning the end of August for his bull. He had a federal subsistence tag which allows him to harvest a moose from August until December. I had the general federal tag which allows me to harvest a moose from September 1st-20th. So we started hunting for Glenn's moose first. We found a lot of great spots to hunt that we put in our "play book" and would check routinely for moose. We did a lot of hiking, a lot of boating and a lot of calling. Finally one night we looked in a meadow from our "play book" and there stood his moose. He wanted a younger bull for a more tender meat. It was sharing a meadow with 5 cow moose. Glenn pulled up and put the bull down. After congratulations we started to get to work. It was about 5 minutes after the shot that a HUGE bull walked into the meadow wondering what had happened. I got really excited thinking this could be my bull. He was a bull of a lifetime, with antlers that spread 70+ inches. I decided I was going to try for him. He was about 500 yards away and had 5 cows around him. I stalked in through the willows and brush to about 200 yards but with the fading light I couldn't get a clean shot so I let him walk. It was a great day of hunting!
Fast forward 7 days to September 15th.....the magic day as Glenn calls it. We are heading to the same meadow that Glenn got his bull in because we know that granddaddy is around there somewhere. As we round a corner of the river I see a bull through my binoculars, I can just barely see a part of his antlers for a split second but he right there next to the meadow. So we pull up downstream and anchor the boat and hike in quietly to the meadow, about 200 yards from where I saw the bull. Glenn starts calling like a bull to tempt this guy to fight. We brought a shed antler that I found so he is thrashing brush trying to sound like a big bull moose. After about 5 minutes of call I heard brush being thrashed. Then I heard the sound of willows and other brush scraping antlers! It was a bull coming our way and he was in a fighting mood! He would walk then thrash bushes then walk some more, this went on for about 20 minuets. Finally he came into the meadow swaying his head looking for a fight, what a sight to see!! He wasn't the huge north country monster but he was big enough for me. Once I gained my composer I put him down using my .338 Win Mag. About 5 minutes after my bull was down I head brush thrashing again, it was another moose. I waited a few minuets and out stepped the MONSTER. I couldn't do anything but laugh, I waved to him and promised to see him next year. What a great hunt. It took 2 days to get him out of the woods but I had an army of new teachers and my fiance Sam to help. Many hands made for lighter work, I still had to pack quarters to the boat! He is now sitting in my freezer and will provide many wonderful meals and jerky! That wraps up an extremely successful moose season!
I also found time to go caribou hunting. We went out a couple times for caribou but the herd was late getting to kiana. Instead my buddy Brad and I decided to go find them. We ended up going 75 miles up river to a place called onion portage. We saw a lot of caribou! We had another boat with us and ended up taking 13 between the 2 boats. It was a great time and decided to snow while we spent the night. I didn't get many pictures because it was so cold but it was a great hunt. Like I have done in the past I took a caribou up to school to teach the kids how to butcher an animal. It was very successful and the kids enjoyed it.
Well I guess hunting stories is all I have to tell currently, it seems that and school have taken over my life. Wrestling just started 2 days ago so I'm sure my next post will include more school/life based material instead of just hunting. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the stories of my Greater Northern Adventures.
I've been waiting for a long time for an update. Poor moose! Lucky Nate. What can I say but love ya. AC